The Sea Dog Paddle Series is held every Friday at 18h00 at Fish Hoek Beach at the Fish Hoek Lifesaving Club. The motley crew that pitch up on the beach each Friday adhere to the tag-line “Never Cancelled”. This was how I got back into paddling.
Presented by the VarsityCollege Surfskischool and The Paddling Centre, the Sea Dog time-trial takes place every Friday from October to 07 December 2012 and then starts again on 11 January 2013, a total of 2 series of ten weeks each.
All Paddle craft welcome: surfskis, paddleboards, SUP’s, sea kayaks, and all levels of experience will be welcomed, encouraged, and taken care of. It’s an amazing opportunity for anyone who is looking to get into the sport at any level to safely get some experience and build confidence. The course is usually 5 laps totalling about 5kms.
Just pitch up from 17h00 to register at the Fish Hoek Lifesaving Clubhouse for a 18h00 start. R50 series registration (per 10 week series) and R10 per race, or R130 upfront all-inclusive, or R20 per race once off.
Grab a beer at the bar and stay for prize-giving which is a fun affair with plenty of ribbing to go along with the lucky-draw prizes.
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